Thursday, April 17, 2008

Guest lecture: Anatomy and Pathology of Eyes

Today, Dr. Pamela Fong had a guest lecture in my biology 2nd period class.

First of all, Dr. Pamela Fong showed us a poster about the eyeball to give us a detailed explanation of the structure and function of the eye.

I learned that despite its small size, the
eye is actually a very complex structure.

It is consist of numerous different parts and each part has a unique function.

For examples, retina is the lining of the eye which contain millions of light-sensitive cells called rods and cones, while rods respond best to dim light and cones repond best to bright light and enable color vision.

After that, Dr. Fong used a eyeball model to continue further explanation.

The greatest part of the lecture is the photos of real eyes.

Dr. Fong showed us several different characteristics that different eyes have.

For instances, the eye of a person that has blonde eyes is redder than other eyes.

She also explained the different effects of eye diseases to the internal structure of the eyes.

Finally, we had an interesting sheep eye dissection lab.

Even though I thought touching the sheep eyeball is kind of disgusting, I still participated and finished the dissection at last.

I was able to look into the real eye and it really helped my understanding of the structure of eyes a lot
and I always think that it is better to learn science through real experiences.

From the dissection, I learned that if the lens is unclear that means the sheep is a old sheep.

I think that this guest lecture is very educational and it really gave me a lot of information about the anatomy and pathology of eyes.

I also think that we should have more guest lectures in the future because they always give me additional knowledges other than the ones in the book.

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