Friday, December 7, 2007

South Korea tries to contain oil spill

Summary: SKorea tries to contain oil spill

Seoul, South Korea tries to contain 2.7 million gallons of oil from a supertanker spill and keep it from reaching the country's west coast. Maritime authorities set up a five-mile fence to try to contain the oil slick, which measured 4.6 mileslong and 1.2 miles wide. Many people, including navy and other government vesses, plus four helicopters, were involved in the cleanup operation. The accident occurred near Mallipo beach, about 90 miles southwest of Seoul. The area is known for scenic beaches and is also home to a national maritime park and an important rest stop for migrating birds. The Coast Guard and Maritime and Fisheries Ministry also added that cold winter temperatures could help slow the spread of the oil slick by freezing it, although the cleanup operation would likely ake at least three or four days.

My Reflection:

I wish their plan will be successful because the environmental damage would continue until someone find a way to stop the oil spill. As I watch the news, the oil spill brings a lot of problems to the people and animals living near the coast. For example, many birds were killed by the incident. Therefore, the future environment would depend on the containment operation.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Biolgy-related News

Title: Ten members of Iona football team hit with superbugSummary: On Saturday, October 20, 2007, a serious type of drug-resistant staph, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, infected 10 althetes in the Iona College. The staph infections, including the MRSA, have spread through schools nationwide in recent weeks, according to health and education officials. A high school senior in Virginia was died of the disease on Monday. The infection can be spread by skin-to-skin contact or by sharing an item used by an infected person, particularly one with an open wound. However, since all the cases had been caught early and were mild, one student athlete had been hospitalised but has been released. The Westchester County Health Commissioner, Dr. Johua Lipsman, said he discovered that all the victims were men and he hoped to "see if there's any kind of a pattern."

My Reflection: I am really worried about the students and I hope they can soon recover. I think the disease is very horrible because it is drug-resistant. But I am glad that the health commissioner said that all the victims were men so I may not be infected since I am a girl. However, I will still be more careful at school and wash more hands to prevent getting the virus. I wish there will soon be a new technology to cure this disease.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Snail Observation Lab

I observed a snail today

It moved really slow but I think it was kind of cute

I have played with snails since i was small

however today is the first time that i know snails have feet